
All posts tagged Zen

Capturing the Now

Published December 30, 2015 by murgcat

social-mt-rose-facebookEnlightenment comes when you exist in the Now! That’s the secret to The Secret and every other mysticism out there. The elusive Now but how?

Adrenaline junkies, why is it they do that voodoo they do? Is it really flirting with death? I think it’s something else entirely different. Flirting with our demise strokes our ever-present ego, but what is it that our soul longs for – The Now. They, the a fore mentioned junkies, have discovered a short cut to the Now.

Maybe short cut isn’t the correct view. It takes dedication and perseverance to reach the point where it is flirting with the reaper rather than fumbled attempts at offing yourself through Darwinism. I certainly hope you’ve had a few conventional jumps before your first base jump. You can’t bomb a black diamond slope until you’ve done a myriad of runs.

I can explain it from the skiers point of view. When you are pushing that boundary, the edge of your skill , where disaster is but a blink away, you can’t think. It sounds counter intuitive. When your body and sensory inputs override the constant chatter of your monkey mind you are capturing the now. You must be absolutely and totally aware of your surroundings: making immediate decisions and then immediately releasing the thought to make room for the next necessary decision.

You reach a point where all you are is awareness without judgement, without ego getting in the way. The landscape flashes by yet time slows down. You can only experience. If you can stop to catch a breath, everything is brighter, you feel alive. Regardless if it’s the side of a mountain you just schussed or the side your flying by in a wing suit, you have two accomplishments when you are done. The first is the one that appeases your ego, you did the difficult and survived. The second is a deeper more primal reward that keeps you coming back to push the boundary again and again… you captured the Now.